Awarded Articles - CLAV 2021

As emoções e as motivações hedônica e utilitária no consumo de café

14º Congresso Latino-Americano de Varejo e Consumo: “Ubiquitous retailing: new technologies transforming the consumer journey”, realizado nos dias 26 e 27 de outubro de 2021

Artigo Premiado
(melhor implicação para o varejo e consumo)

Abstract: The emotion involved in food consumption has been used to better understand the consumer and to generate information in addition to traditional variables, such as acceptance and taste. Emotions can also be involved in hedonic purchase motivations in food consumption. Thus, in this study, we sought to understand the relationship between motivations and emotions, through an online survey, with closed questions to test seven hypotheses. 167 responses were obtained, with respondents aged between 20 and 70 years old. The results indicates that hedonic motivation in coffee consumption is positively related to Ex-post positive emotions, as well as purchase intention. The utilitarian motivation, in turn, is related to Ex-post negative emotions. In addition, Ex-ante emotions are positively related to positive Ex-post emotions in coffee consumption.

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