To submit a paper for evaluation, follow the steps below:
1) Submission
Choose the modality: "Teaching Cases";
Choose the Thematic Area (Academic Track) related to your work;
Enter the title of the paper.
2) Transfer of Manuscripts
You must attach two files: identified work and unidentified work.
Unidentified work: It must not contain your name, or that of other authors, or affiliations. This file will be sent to the evaluators. Authors should also make sure that submission files do not contain identifying information when saved as Word 2003, Word 2007 or a Rich Text Format file. Articles with identified authorship information will not be considered for review.
Identified work: Complete work or abstract including your name, other authors' names and affiliations. If your paper is approved, this file will be used in the publication of the congress.
2) Inclusion of Metadata
Name and e-mail of the authors (up to 05 authors per article);
Abstract of the work: less than 260 words.
Click here to submit your work if you ARE NOT registered on the Work platform
Click here to submit your work if YOU ARE already registered on the Work platform